Tag Archives: JavaScript

Promises vs Callbacks - Code comparison

Promises vs Callbacks – Code comparison

I am not going to highlight pros of promises and cons of callbacks. There is plenty of good reading about this topic out there. I was recently writing simple Node module and decided to learn promises during its implementation. The result  can be interesting as comparison of Promises vs Callbacks approach applied to the same problems, because project contains

These are glued with Gulp build system to execute tests with all possible combinations. So for example Callbacks based test is executed also against Promises based module.

I named the project Jasstor. I am planning to use it for storage credentials into JSON file, hashing and verification of credentials. It stores user name, hashed password and user’s role in string format. Here is Github branch dedicated to this blog post, so that it’ll stay consistent. Please bear in mind, that I am learning Node development, ES6 features, Promises and Gulp on this project. So I could easily miss handy tricks or misused some features.

Project uses these main technologies:

I decided to have these constraints for Promises

  • Mocha will be excluded from promisification, so describe and it will be used with callbacks.
  • Jasstor‘s API will follow standard Node JS patterns
    • All functions are asynchronous with callback as last parameter
    • First parameter of callback is always error

When function signatures follow Node JS patters, it allows for promisification of modules. Such modules can be integrated into promise chain easily. But at the same time API isn’t tied to Promises at all. I like this approach because both camps (Promises or Callbacks fans) are happy.

Let’s take a look at code. I will explain and compare only most verbose use case and leave the rest for curios readers. You can find the code here.

Callback vs Promises – Tests comparison

Enough talking, let’s take a look at code. I’ll start with tests explanation as it promotes TDD thinking. Use case should test if existing password is overwritten when credentials for same user are stored. There are these phases in the test:

  1. Credentials file with initial password is created
  2. Read initial password
  3. Overwrite initial password with different one
  4. Read new password
  5. Verify that new password is different to initial one

Callbacks based test

var credentialsFile = 'testCredentials.txt';

var checkError = function(err, done) {
  if (err) {

var readPassword = (credentialsFile, done, callback) => {
  fs.readFile(credentialsFile, (err, data) => {
    checkError(err, done);
    var jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
describe('jasstor', () => {
  var jasstor = new Jasstor(credentialsFile);

  describe('when creadentials file already exist', () => {
    beforeEach(done => {
      fs.unlink(credentialsFile, () => {
        jasstor.saveCredentials('user', 'password', 'role', done);

    it('should overwrite existing password', done => {
      readPassword(credentialsFile, done, (originalPassword) => {
        jasstor.saveCredentials('user', 'password1', 'role', err => {
          checkError(err, done);
          readPassword(credentialsFile, done, (newPassword) => {

jasstor is testing object and jasstor.saveCredentials() is testing function. There is created helper function readPassword because password needs to be read twice during test. Pretty straight forward callbacks pyramid. I don’t like calling checkError at the beginning of each callback. Annoying Node pattern.

Promises based test

var fs = Bluebird.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
var credentialsFile = 'testCredentials.txt';

var readPassword = (credentialsFile, userName, done) => {
  return fs.readFileAsync(credentialsFile)
    .then(jsonData => {
      return jsonData[userName].password;

var ignoreCallback = () => {};

describe('jasstor tested with promises', () => {
  var jasstor = Bluebird.promisifyAll(new Jasstor(credentialsFile));

  describe('when creadentials file already exist', () => {
    beforeEach(done => {
        .finally(() => {
          jasstor.saveCredentials('user', 'password', 'role', done);

    it('should overwrite existing password', done => {
      var originalPassword = readPassword(credentialsFile, 'user', done);
      var newPassword;
      jasstor.saveCredentialsAsync('user', 'password1', 'role')
        .then(() => {
          newPassword = readPassword(credentialsFile, 'user', done);

Important here is promisification of fs library (first line). It patches fs module to have additional methods with Async suffix. These methods return Promise and doesn’t take callback as parameter. This effectively converts existing API to promise based API. Same is done to testing object jasstor.

It was slight surprise to me that Promises actually doesn’t enable for less verbose code. Few facts are pretty obvious to me after this comparison:

  • Much more elegant error handling. As long as error callback has error as first parameter, you can just pass it to catch block as function reference.
  • Callbacks pyramid is flattened. This can improve readability. But readability is probably matter of maturity with certain approach.

Callback vs Promises – Node module comparison

Now I am going to compare code that was tested by tests above.

Callbacks based code

var hashPassword = (password, callback) => {
  bcrypt.genSalt(10, (err, salt) => bcrypt.hash(password, salt, callback));

var readJsonFile = (storageFile, callback) => {
  fs.exists(storageFile, (result) => {
    if (result === false) {
      callback(null, {});
    } else {
      fs.readFile(storageFile, (err, data) => {
        var jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
        callback(err, jsonData);

module.exports = class Jasstor {
  constructor(storageFile) {
    this.storageFile = storageFile;

  saveCredentials(user, password, role, callback) {
    readJsonFile(this.storageFile, (err, jsonData) => {
      hashPassword(password, (err, hash) => {
        jsonData[user] = {
          password: hash,
          role: role
        var jsonDataString = JSON.stringify(jsonData);

        fs.writeFile(this.storageFile, jsonDataString, callback);

Here we have ES6 class Jasstor with constructor and method that saves credentials into JSON file. There are two helper methods hashPassword and readJsonFile to help with repetitive tasks across the Jasstor class. We can see callback pyramid again. It is slightly simplified by helper functions.

Promises based code

var fs = Bluebird.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
var bcrypt = Bluebird.promisifyAll(require('bcrypt'));

var hashPassword = password => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
      .then(salt => {
        return bcrypt.hashAsync(password, salt);

var readJsonFile = storageFile => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.exists(storageFile, result => {
      if (result === true) {
      } else {

module.exports = class Jasstor {
  constructor(storageFile) {
    this.storageFile = storageFile;

  saveCredentials(user, password, role, callback) {
    readJsonFile(this.storageFile).then(jsonData => {
      hashPassword(password).then(hash => {
        jsonData[user] = {
          password: hash,
          role: role
        return jsonData;
        .then(jsonDataString => {
          fs.writeFile(this.storageFile, jsonDataString, callback);

Same implementation packed into Promises is more verbose (hopefully I missed some tricks that could made it shorter). I like again simplified error handling. You maybe spot  that fs.exists isn’t promisified. If you take a look at its API, callback doesn’t have error as first parameter. I suspect, this is why fs.existsAsync doesn’t work correctly. Not sure if this is limitation of Bluebird promises library I am using or Promises A+ specification.


Promises are very nice approach that could totally change style of your programming. But I have to admit that I am not 100% sold to it yet. It took me some time to wrap my head around the concept. Promises also seem to me slightly more verbose than callbacks. When you have functions with one parameter and return value, you can nicely chain them with just passing function references into Promise chain. But mostly you don’t have such comfortable APIs and you end up doing “flattened callbacks pyramid”.

I would suggest to try Promises on your project (or small library) and make own opinion. Examples aren’t enough challenging to push the Promises into its limits.

Multi module JavaScript project

Multi module JavaScript project with Grunt

Writing blog post how I managed to configure multi module JavaScript project with Grunt for my spare time project. It is using Protractor for end-to-end testing, but I believe that this multi module approach would be easily portable onto non-Angular stack.

In my spare time I work on pet project based on EAN stack (Express, Angular, Node.JS). (Project doesn’t need DB, that’s why MongoDB is missing from famous MEAN stack). Initial draft of the project was scaffolded by Yeoman with usage of angular-fullstack generator. Build is based on Grunt. Apart from that generator was using Grunt, I chose it over Gulp, because it would be probably more mature. Also Grunt vs Gulp battle seem to me similar as Maven vs Gradle one in Java world. I never had a need to move away from Maven. Also don’t like idea of creating  some custom algorithms in build system (bad Bash and Ant experience in the past). Grunt is similar to Maven in terms of configuration approach. I can very easily understand any build in Maven and expect similar build consistency from Grunt.

Nearly immediately I started to feel that Node.JS and Express back-end build concerns (Mocha based test suite) are pretty different to concerns of Angular front-end build (minification, Require.js optimalization, Karma based test suite, …). There was clear distinction between these two.

My main problem was having separate test suites. Karma makes generation of unit test code coverage very easy. Slightly tricky was setting up generation of code coverage stats for Mocha based server unit test suite. I managed to do that with Instanbul. So far so good. But when I wanted to send my stats to Coveralls server I could do that only for one suite. Coveralls support one stat per project. Combining stat files didn’t work nicely for me.

Multi module JavaScript project

So I felt a need for splitting the projects. As I’m developer with Java background, this situation reminded me Maven multi module project. In this concept you can have various separated projects/sub-modules that can evolve independently. These can be grouped/integrated together via special multi module project. This way you can build large enterprise and also modular application.

So I said to myself, that I wouldn’t give a try to this stack until I figure out how to configure multi module project. I separated main repository called primediser into two:

(Notice I created branch blog-2014-05-19-multi-module-project to to have code consistent with blog post)

So now I am able to set up Continuous Integration for each project and submit coverage stats separately. But how to integrate these two together? I created umbrella project, that doesn’t contain any JavaScript production code (similar to multi module project in Maven world). It will contain only Protractor E2E tests and grunt file for integration two modules.  This project is located in separate Github repository called primediser.

It uses various Grunt plugins and one conditional trick to do the integration:


This plugin is used to clone mentioned sub-projects from Github:

    gitclone: {
      cloneServer: {
        options: {
          repository: 'https://github.com/lkrnac/<%= dirs.server %>',
          directory: '<%= dirs.server %>'
      cloneClient: {
        options: {
          repository: 'https://github.com/lkrnac/<%= dirs.client %>',
          directory: '<%= dirs.client %>'

I could use grunt-shell plugin for this (I am using it anyway if you read further), but this one seems to be platform independent. Grunt-shell obviously isn’t.

Conditional cloning

Git can clone repository only once. Second attempt fails. Therefore we need to clone sub-projects only when they don’t exist. It is obviously up to developer to

  var cloneIfMissing = function (subTask) {
    var directory = grunt.config.get('gitclone')[subTask].options.directory;
    var exists = fs.existsSync(directory);
    if (!exists) {
      grunt.task.run('gitclone:' + subTask);

  grunt.registerTask('cloneSubprojects', function () {

My setup expects that developer would update sub-projects as needed. Also expects that Continuous Integration system that throws away entire workspace after the build. If you would be using Jenkins, you could use similar conditional trick in conjunction with gitupdate maven task that grunt-git provides.


After cloning, we need to install dependencies for both sub-projects. Unfortunately I didn’t find any platform independent way of doing this (Have to be honest I didn’t look very deeply though).

    shell: {
      npmInstallServer: {
        options: {
          stdout: true,
          stderr: true
        command: 'cd <%= dirs.server %> && npm install && cd ..'
      npmInstallClient: {
        options: {
          stdout: true,
          stderr: true
        command: 'cd <%= dirs.client %> && npm install && bower install && cd ..'


Next step is to kick off builds of sub-projects via grunt-hub plugin:

    hub: {
      client: {
        src: ['<%= dirs.client %>/Gruntfile.js'],
        tasks: ['build'],
      server: {
        src: ['<%= dirs.server %>/Gruntfile.js'],
        tasks: ['build'],

Tasks configurations

  grunt.registerTask('npmInstallSubprojects', [

  grunt.registerTask('buildSubprojects', [

  grunt.registerTask('coverage', [

  grunt.registerTask('default', [

As you can see there is one task I didn’t mention called coverage:

  • This one gatheres builds of sub-projects into dedicated sub-direcotory
  • Instrument the files
  • Run the Express back-end
  • Kicks Protractor end to end tests
  • and measures front end test coverage

Main driver in this task is grunt-protractor-coverage plugin. I already wrote blog post about this plugin. That blog post was done at stage when there wasn’t multi module configuration in place, so you can expect differences (There is also branch dedicated for that blog post also). Backbone should be the same though.